what we offer
From strategies to results, our offerings span the activities that track and utilize resources—both goods and services—all the way from your supplier's suppliers to your customer's customers:
Procurement and Supply Management offers an integrated set of methodologies to attain breakthrough improvements in your material and acquisition costs, cycle times and service levels by combining strategy, process and technology options. We’ll help you determine the optimal management of suppliers and materials in accordance with your cost, competitiveness and efficiency objectives to optimize your procurement activities.
Financial Services and Asset Management provides expertise in managing complex operating systems and global asset management programs in virtually every industry. We’ve established strong relationships with a number of premier hardware and software firms for resource planning and systems execution . At the core of our approach are three strategies: system thinking, establishing learning environments, and process integration. These are the keys to accelerating your transition from functional excellence to world-class operations, resulting in significant bottom line business results.
Warehousing and Distribution Management focuses on creating competitive advantage through your order-to-cash processes, integrated business logistics systems implementations, third-party distribution alternatives, distribution planning and inventory management. We offer expert assistance to assess process redesign opportunities and technology improvements on an enterprise-wide basis. We can work with you from start to finish to define and implement the best processes for your organization.
Transportation, Vehicle and Travel Management helps you obtain maximum value from your transportation services, control and manage corporate travel, and optimize fleet and vehicle options. We have specialists in global intermodal carrier selection, rate negotiation, back-office processing operations, private and third-party transportation options, and all aspects of travel management. They’ll help create more opportunities for you to minimize one of your organization’s top three controllable expenses.
Customer Fulfillment and Services Integration takes a unique, supply chain-oriented approach to customer service and order fulfillment. We bring to life an organization’s customer service philosophy and translate it into measurable business and operational results. Our customer service assessment, along with a systematic approach to segmenting your organization’s optimal service mix, helps you delight the right customers on a selective, value-added basis.
Supply Chain Co-Sourcing and Outsourcing services cross all Supply Chain capabilities. They offer you the alternative of partially or completely spinning off any of the supply chain activities that are not your core competencies. We can manage, staff and support every aspect of the organization, positioning you to “leap-frog” competitors by refocusing resources on your success-critical activities.
We are experts in knowledge-transfer. Pegasus conducts extensive Process Redesign training as a part of our consulting engagements with clients in a number of industries and government institutions. The concept of helping our clients become “learning organizations” is very important to us. In most of our Process Redesign projects we involve a client team, which we use as a platform for knowledge transfer. We educate using a mix of formal sessions, on-the-job training and mentoring, and general awareness-building. Our formal sessions are very hands-on and interactive. The training vehicles include case studies, team exercises, group problem-solving, and interactive lectures. Pegasus has a rich history in management education, regularly conducting seminars and forums for clients around the world.
We know Supply Chain, Finance, and Procurement, “best practices," and the entire life cycle. We have conducted numerous recent assignments and have extensive experience in all aspects of Supply Chain, Finance, and Procurement operations across a wide range of industries. We have benchmarked the critical success factors for world-class Supply Chain, Finance, and Procurement. Our knowledge is current and continually updated through our extensive consulting work in this area. Specifically, our Supply Chain, Finance, and Procurement knowledge has been enriched through on-site work with over 60 major multi-national conglomerates in the United States, Japan, and Europe and surveys on Supply Chain, Finance, and Procurement programs at over 240 corporations. We have developed a 225 page report on Best Supply Chain, Finance, and Procurement Practices.
We successfully balance our two roles of “solution prescriber” and “objective facilitator.” To successfully streamline operations, Pegasus must be a true partner in the effort. We at Pegasus believe it is paramount to work with client teams, not on client processes. We know when to offer our seasoned advice and broad experiences to help shape your Supply Chain, Finance, and Procurement Vision and Process Redesign solutions, but we also know when to step aside into a facilitative role to allow your own people to specify the solution and ultimately own the results. Furthermore, consulting is our only business. We do not resell, develop, nor maintain any technological solutions. We are independent; therefore, our advice is objective and our sole aim is to create the most value for our clients.